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02 June 2024
To Be Continued… by The Rev. David Bass
John 21:20-25

12 May 2024
Restored by The Rev. David Bass
John 21:15-19

05 May 2024
Fishermen/Fishers of Men by The Rev. David Bass
John 21:1-14

21 April 2024
Author Intent by The Rev. David Bass
John 20:30-31

14 April 2024
Redoubtable Thomas by The Rev. David Bass
John 20:24-29

07 April 2024
Authority by The Rev. David Bass
John 20:19-23

31 March 2024 (Resurrection Sunday)
Rising Signs, Dawning Faith by The Rev. David Bass
John 20:1-18

29 March 2024 (Good Friday)
Witness to Glory by The Rev. David Bass
John 19:38-42

24 March 2024 (Palm Sunday)
Complete by The Rev. David Bass
John 19:28-37

17 March 2024
One by The Rev. David Bass
John 19:17-27

10 March 2024
Lamb/King by The Rev. David Bass
John 19:12-16

03 March 2024
Trial: Fear by The Rev. David Bass
John 19:1-11

25 February 2024
Trial: True King by The Rev. David Bass
John 18:28-40

18 February 2024
Trial: Interrogation by The Rev. David Bass
John 18:12-27

28 January 2024
Trial: True to Form by The Rev. David Bass
John 18:1-11

21 January 2024
Trinitarian Love by The Rev. David Bass
John 17:24-26

14 January 2024
One by The Rev. David Bass
John 17:20-23

07 January 2024
Sanctified by The Rev. David Bass
John 17:15-19

26 November 2023
Kept by The Rev. David Bass
John 17:6-14

12 November 2023
High Priest by The Rev. David Bass
John 17:1-5

05 November 2023
Overcomer by The Rev. David Bass
John 16:25-33

08 October 2023
Sorrow to Joy by The Rev. David Bass
John 16:16-24

01 October 2023
Spirit of Truth by The Rev. David Bass
John 16:4b-15

17 September 2023
Hatred by The Rev. David Bass
John 15:18-16:4a

10 September 2023
True Vine by The Rev. David Bass
John 15:1-17

03 September 2023
Peace by The Rev. David Bass
John 14:25-31

27 August 2023
Paraclete by The Rev. David Bass
John 14:15-24

20 August 2023
Shown by The Rev. David Bass
John 14:8-14

13 August 2023
I Am, #6 by The Rev. David Bass
John 14:1-7

06 August 2023
Left Behind by The Rev. David Bass
John 13:31-38

30 July 2023
Betrayal by The Rev. David Bass
John 13:21-30

23 July 2023
Washed by The Rev. David Bass
John 13:1-20

16 July 2023
Farewell by The Rev. David Bass
John 12:44-50

09 July 2023
Hardened by The Rev. David Bass
John 12:37-43

02 July 2023
Lifted Up by The Rev. David Bass
John 12:27-36

25 June 2023
Anyone by The Rev. David Bass
John 12:20-26

18 June 2023
King by The Rev. David Bass
John 12:12-19

11 June 2023
Lavish/Larcenous by The Rev. David Bass
John 12:1-11

21 May 2023
Conspiracy by The Rev. David Bass
John 11:45-57

14 May 2023
Seventh Sign, Part 2 by The Rev. David Bass
John 11:28-44

23 April 2023
I am, #6 by The Rev. David Bass
John 11:17-27

16 April 2023
Seventh Sign, Part 1 by The Rev. David Bass
John 11:1-16

19 February 2023
One by The Rev. David Bass
John 10:22-42

12 February 2023
I am, #5 by The Rev. David Bass
John 10:11-21

05 February 2023
I am, #4 by The Rev. David Bass
John 10:1-10

29 January 2023
Sight by The Rev. David Bass
John 9:24-41

22 January 2023
Equivocation by The Rev. David Bass
John 9:13-23

15 January 2023
Sixth Sign by The Rev. David Bass
John 9:1-12

08 January 2023
I am, #3 by The Rev. David Bass
John 8:48-59

13 November 2022
Father’s Sons by The Rev. David Bass
John 8:39-47

06 November 2022
Liberty by The Rev. David Bass
John 8:31-38

23 October 2022
Origins by The Rev. David Bass
John 8:21-30

09 October 2022
I Am, #2 by The Rev. David Bass
John 8:12-20

02 October 2022
Condemned by The Rev. David Bass
John 7:53-8:11

25 September 2022
Division by The Rev. David Bass
John 7:40-52

18 September 2022
Living Water by The Rev. David Bass
John 7:37-39

11 September 2022
Sent by The Rev. David Bass
John 7:25-36

28 August 2022
Authority by The Rev. David Bass
John 7:14-24

21 August 2022
Ambiguity by The Rev. David Bass
John 7:1-13

14 August 2022
Offense by The Rev. David Bass
John 6:60-71

07 August 2022
Intensified by The Rev. David Bass
John 6:52-59

31 July 2022
Bread/Flesh by The Rev. David Bass
John 6:41-51

24 July 2022
I Am, #1 by The Rev. David Bass
John 6:35-40

17 July 2022
Bread Always by The Rev. David Bass
John 6:22-34

10 July 2022
Fifth Sign by The Rev. David Bass
John 6:16-21

19 June 2022
Fourth Sign by The Rev. David Bass
John 6:1-15

22 May 2022
Witnesses by The Rev. David Bass
John 5:30-47

15 May 2022
Judgment by The Rev. David Bass
John 5:25-29

08 May 2022
True Son by The Rev. David Bass
John 5:18-24

01 May 2022
Third Sign, Bethesda by The Rev. David Bass
John 5:1-17

Second Sign by The Rev. David Bass
John 4:46-54
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Harvest by The Rev. David Bass
John 4:27-45
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Worship by The Rev. David Bass
John 4:16-26
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Water by The Rev. David Bass
John 4:1-15
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Increase by The Rev. David Bass
John 3:22-36
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Heavenly Things by The Rev. David Bass
John 3:16-21
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Birth by The Rev. David Bass
John 3:1-15
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Corpus Christi by The Rev. David Bass
John 2:13-25
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First Sign by The Rev. David Bass
John 2:1-12
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Reception by The Rev. David Bass
John 1:35-51
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Rejection by The Rev. David Bass
John 1:19-34
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Reception/Rejection by The Rev. David Bass
John 1:9-13; 16-18
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The Baptist by The Rev. David Bass
John 1:6-8; 15
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Light/Glory by The Rev. David Bass
John 1:3-5; 14
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Logos by The Rev. David Bass
John 1:1-2
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The Gospel of John: Introduction by The Rev. David Bass
John 20:30-31
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